News Release
December 10, 2007

Contact: Erin McKenzie-Mulvey

Mexican Delegation Visits the NYFD

DEC 10 -- Licenciado Jorge Flores Laris, prosecuting attorney for Mexico’s Subprocuraduria de Investigacion Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada (SIEDO), Ingeniero Miguel Colorado Gonzalez, General Technical Coordinator for SIEDO, Ingeniero Humberto Martinez Gonzalez, Technical Administrator and Ingeniero Rafael Correa-Huitron, Technical Administrator, of Mexico’s Secretaria de Seguridad Publica (SSP) were welcomed to the New York Field Division on December 10, 2007 by SAC John Gilbride.

SAC John P. Gilbride welcomes Licenciado Jorge Flores Laris, Ingeniero Miguel Colorado Gonzalez, Ingeniero Humberto Martinez Gonzalez, and Ingeniero Rafael Correa-Huitron to the New York Field Division.
SAC John P. Gilbride welcomes Licenciado Jorge Flores Laris, Ingeniero Miguel Colorado Gonzalez, Ingeniero Humberto Martinez Gonzalez, and Ingeniero Rafael Correa-Huitron to the New York Field Division.

The Mexican law enforcement delegation was given a tour of the NYFD’s Title III Operations room while being briefed by Associate SAC Daniel Anderson and the wire room specialists. The guests were extremely pleased to learn about the operations within the Title III room since they conduct judicial wiretap operations within the Republic of Mexico . After learning about our technical abilities the group dined at Shun Lee Restaurant which was hosted by the Federal Drug Agent’s Foundation. After lunch the delegation returned to the NYFD to be given a presentation by AUSA Anirudh Bansal from the Southern District of New York. The following day the guests were given a tour and briefing at the New York Organized Crime Strike Force.