Speech Video Statement of Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., Good morning. It’s a privilege to speak to you today, both as the new Attorney General and as your returning colleague. I am deeply honored to have the opportunity once again to work side-by-side with all of you here at the United States Department of Justice. The Justice Department has been aptly described as the “crown jewel” of the Federal government. It has attained this distinction not because of any laws or regulations, cases or controversies, buildings or equipment, but rather because of the quality, integrity, and dedication of the people who work tirelessly to carry out the Department’s vital mission. Simply stated, you – the employees of the United States Department of Justice – are the backbone, the heart, and the soul of this great agency. The honor of serving in the Justice Department is very real – and so too is the responsibility that accompanies it. Citizens from across this nation look to us as the standard bearers of justice, fairness, and independence. At all times, and in all ways, we must demonstrate that we merit their confidence. We must fulfill our duties faithfully, and apply the law evenhandedly, ------- without regard to politics, party, or personal interest. I owe much to you who serve in this Department today, and to those who served in years gone by:
We have much work before us:
Our task will not be easy. Our days will be long and our challenges will be great. But I know that because of your professionalism, integrity, and hard work, we will succeed in our vital mission. And I pledge to you today that throughout the days and months ahead, I will work with you, listen to you, and learn from you as we go forward. And so, my friends and colleagues of the United States Department of Justice, I say you today -- let’s roll up our sleeves, and let’s get down to work. It’s good to be back. Thank you. |