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National Take Back Day Results
- Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4,969
- Total Collection Sites: 6,258
- Total Weight Collected: 937,443 lbs. (468.72 Tons)
Click here for additional details about the 17th National Take Back Day.
- Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4,770
- Total Collection Sites: 5,839
- Total Weight Collected: 914,236 lbs. (457.12 Tons)
Click here for additional details about the 16th National Take Back Day.
- Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4,683
- Total Collection Sites: 5,842
- Total Weight Collected: 949,046 lbs. (474.5 Tons)
Click here for additional details about the 15th National Take Back Day.
Results: April 2016 11th National Take Back
- Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4,264
- Total Collection Sites: 5,359
- Total Weight Collected: 893,498 lbs. (447 Tons)
Click here for additional details about the 11th National Take Back Day.
Results: October 2016 12th National Take Back