Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
(All documents in Adobe PDF format)
- Account Management System (AMS)
- Automation of Reports & Consolidation Orders System II (ARCOS-2)
- Aviation Division Office Internet (ADOI)
- Body Worn Camera Program (BWC)
- Castle
- Controlled Substances Ordering System (CSOS)
- DEA Enterprise Digital Identification System (DEDIS)
- Docket Master System (DMS)
- EPIC Seizure System (ESS)
- Financial Information and Reporting System (FIRST)
- FOIAXpress
- Health Unit Medical Information System (HUMIS)
- Investigative Management Program and Case Tracking System (IMPACT)
- National Drug Pointer Index (NDPIX)
- National Licensee Plate Reader Program (NLPRP) and DEA Special Intelligence Link (DEASIL)
- Polygraph Enterprise System (PES)
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Analytics (PDMPAS)
- Priority Target Activity Resource and Reporting System (PTARRS)
- Registrant Support Network (RSN)
- Relativity
- Relocation Tracking System (RTS)
- Remote Analysis Viewing and Notation System (RAVANS)
- Video Surveillance System (VSS)
DEA Systems Covered by Department-wide PIAs
- DEA Learning System (DEALS), see DOJ Learning Management System (LMS) PIA*
- Giglio’ Information System for DEA, see DOJ Giglio’ Information System PIA*
- Microsoft 365 Email and Collaboration Services (ECS), see Justice Management Division (JMD) Email and Collaboration Services (ECS) PIA*
- Survey Monkey at DEA, see DOJ Survey Monkey Administrative PIA*
- Social Media at DEA, see DOJ Use of Third-Party Social Media Tools to Communicate with the Public Adapted PIA*
* Department-wide and JMD PIAs can be found at Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties |DOJ Privacy Impact Assessments
Withdrawn or Superseded PIAs
Major Information Systems
The Electronic Freedom of Information Act of 1996 requires agencies to make available to the public an index and description of their major information systems.
The Office of Management and Budget defines major information systems as an information system that requires special management attention because of its importance to an agency mission; its high development, operating, or maintenance costs; or its significant role in the administration of agency programs, finances, property, or other resources.
Details concerning the DEA’s major information systems, as well as other information technology investments, are posted on the Federal IT Dashboard (