1215 Junta de Revisión de Publicaciones
A. Definiciones. A efectos de esta política:
Por información clasificada se entiende cualquier información o material que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) determine, de acuerdo con una Orden Ejecutiva, estatuto o regulación, que requiere protección contra su divulgación no autorizada por razones de seguridad nacional. (18 U.S.C. App. § 1). Los niveles de clasificación incluyen "TOP SECRET" [ALTO SECRETO], "SECRET" [SECRETO] y "CONFIDENTIAL" [CONFIDENCIAL]. (Orden Ejecutiva (E.O.) 13526, Información Clasificada de Seguridad Nacional, 29 de diciembre del 2009).
Por Información Clasificada de Seguridad Nacional (NSI, por sus siglas en inglés) se entiende la información que se ha determinado, de acuerdo con la OE 13526 o cualquier orden predecesora, que requiere protección contra la divulgación no autorizada y que está marcada para indicar su condición de clasificada.
Difundir al público significa compartir un trabajo escrito con cualquier persona que no esté autorizada a acceder a la información no divulgable defenida en esta política (por ejemplo, revisores, editores, agentes, coautores, terceros, etc.).
Por Personal de la Administración para el Control de Drogas (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés) se entiende los empleados de la DEA, los Oficiales de los Grupos Operativos Delegados, enlaces, personal de información y asignados a la Oficina de Seguridad Nacional (NN) de la DEA, y los empleados contratistas.
La Comunidad de Inteligencia (IC, por sus siglas en inglés) es un grupo de agencias y organizaciones del Poder Ejecutivo que trabajan por separado y conjutamente para llevar a cabo las actividades de inteligencia necesarias para dirigir las relaciones exteriores y proteger la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos. Dentro de la DEA, solo la Oficina de Inteligencia de Seguridad Nacional (NN) de la División de Inteligencia forma parte de la IC. Por lo tanto, el Jefe del grupo de la IC de la DEA es el Jefe de la División de Inteligencia (NC).
Por proyectos de publicación conjunta se entiende cualquier proyecto en el que un grupo externo, con alguna participación de la DEA, produce material electrónico, escrito o de otro tipo para el público. Un grupo externo puede ser una organización sin fines de lucro, una empresa, una asociación, otra agencia gubernamental o cualquier otra entidad. Durante el proceso de revisión, los oficiales de la DEA pueden considerar apropiado consultar con el grupo externo para asegurar la coherencia con las equidades/inquietudes de la DEA.
Por Información No Divulgable se entiende aquella cuya divulgación sin autorización violaría cualquier ley, reglamento o política, o acuerdo de no divulgación; podria resultar en el deterioro de la seguridad nacional; podría suponer una amenaza para la seguridad física; podría poner en peligro la vida humana; podría dar lugar a la denegación del debido proceso a una persona o personas que sean objeto de investigaciones o procesamientos; podría revelar identidades de fuentes confidenciales o información que podría utilizarse para identificar a una fuente confidencial; podría revelar medios y métodos utilizados por la Dea cumpliera eficazmente sus responsabilidades. Incluye, entre otros, información clasificada de seguridad nacional, Información Confidencial Compartimentada (SCI, por sus siglas en inglés), información confidencial pero no clasificada de las agencias de policía e información que podría comprometer una investigación o un proceso en curso.
El material no oficial es un producto que no ha sido creado en calidad oficial de la DEA o del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos o en nombre de éstos, y que está relacionado con las responsabilidades, programas y operaciones de la DEA; está relacionado con la política nacional de control de drogas; o puede contener cualquier información, material o archivos adquiridos o a los que se haya accedido en el curso del desempeño de cualquiere responsabilidad oficial con la DEA. El material no oficial puede incluir, entre otros, declaraciones orales, currículos, libros de ficción o no ficción, editoriales, comentarios en sitios web, blogs, trabajos académicos, guiones, libretos, entrevistas, discursos, boletines informativos, sitios web, redes sociales, folletos, gráficos, sesiones informativas, artículos, presentaciones, reseñas de libros o paneles de debate.
Las Publicaciones oficiales de la DEA son cualquier material escrito por opara ser difundido fuera de la misma por personal actual de ésta, que haya sido creado en calidad oficial de la DEA o del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos o en nombre de éstos, y que esté relacionado con las responsabilidades, programas u operaciones de la DEA o con la actual política nacional de control de drogas, incluyendo ficción, no ficción, biografía u opinión. Esto incluye pero no se limita a:
- Material impreso, incluidos informes, panfletos, publicaciones periódicas, libros y artículos;
- Sitios web de la DEA, incluido nuevo material para el sitio web de ésta;
- Audiovisuales, incluidos los materiales grabados digitalmente;
- Carteles y folletos; y
- Redes sociales, incluidas las cuentas personales en estas redes.
La Autoridad de Clasificación Original (OCA, por sus siglas en inglés) se refiere a la persona o entidad con autoridad para decidir que una información concreta requiere protección en interés de la seguridad nacional y que podría causar daños si se divulgara sin autorización.
La Información Confidencial Compartimentada es un subconjunto de la Inteligencia Nacional Clasificada relativa o derivada de fuentes, métodos o procesos analíticos de inteligencia que debe protegerse dentro de los sistemas formales de control de acceso establecidos por el Director de Inteligencia Nacional.
B. Limitaciones
Las políticas, procedimientos, lineamientos y otras dispociones contenidas en este documento no pretenden crear, ni pueden crear, derechos substantivos o procesales exigibles ante la ley por cualquiera de las partes en cualquier asunto, civil o penal. Salvo a efectos internos de procedimiento y disciplina de la DEA, estos lineamientos no limitan las prerrogativas de investigación o litigio, por los demás lícitas, de la DEA, sus empleados o el Departamento de Justicia (DOJ, ppor sus siglas en inglés).
C. Política
La Junta de Revisión de Publicaciones (PBR, por sus siglas en inglés) revisará y aprobará todas las publicaciones oficiales de la DEA, las publicaciones conjuntas y el material no oficial según esta política antes de difundirlos al público. Esta política se aplica en toda la agencia y a todo el personal de la DEA.
Quedan excluidos de esta política:
Documentos publicados por la Oficina del Administrador o del Administrador Adjunto (AD, por sus siglas en inglés)
Comunicados de prensa (los comunicados de prensa están sujetos a la Política de medios de comunicación de la DEA);
Testimonios y correspondencia del Congreso;
Declaraciones oficiales, para incluir comunicados de prensa y testimonios y correspondencia del Congreso;
Documentos jurídicos oficiales y publicaciones en el Registro Federal;
Materiales producidos para la capacitación oficial de la DEA;
Las publicaciones escritas por el personal de la DEA a título individual (no oficial) no contienen información no divulgable.
Esta exclusión no exime al empleado de su responsabilidad de cumplir todas las disposiciones de las Normas de Conducta de la DEA (véase la Sección 2735 del Manual de Personal).
El personal de la DEA resolverá cualquier duda sobre si una publicación está sujeta a la revisión y aprobación del PRB con la Oficina de Asuntos Públicos y del Congreso (CP).
Las publicaciones oficiales de la DEA, los proyectos de publicación conjunta y el material no oficial no pueden contener información no divilgable.
Referencia al Cargo Oficial: Un empleado que produzca una publicación no oficial en su capacidad no utilizará su título o cargo oficial en relación con la publicación excepto, si el empleado puede incluir o permitir la inclusión de su título o cargo: cuando sea uno de varios detalles biográficos; y cuando la publicación vaya a publicarse en una revista científica o profesional siempre que el título o cargo vaya acompañado de un descargo de responsabilidad razonablemente prominente de que las opiniones expresadas en la publicación no representan necesariamente las opiniones de la DEA, el DOJ o los Estados Unidos (véase 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(b)).
Respaldo de la DEA: Ningún material que se difunda utilizando el nombre y/o el logotipo de la DEA debe considerarse, expresa o implícitamente, como un respaldo o aprobación de un producto, servicio u organización en particular, o de una empresa que produzca o venda un producto o servico, salvo en virtud de las normas éticas del gobierno federal (véase 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702(c)).
La información clasificada que aparezca en público no se considerá no clasificada ni apropiada automáticamente para su difusión pública de conformidad con O.E. 13526.
D. Composición del PBR
Los miembros con derecho a voto del PBR estarán formados por un representante de alto nivel de cada uno de los siguientes componentes de la DEA:
La Oficina de Asuntos Públicos y del Congreso (CP)/(CPX);
División de Operaciones (OC)/(OCX);
División de Control de Desvíos (DC)/(DCX)
The PRB will ensure that official DEA publications and joint publication projects:
are of the highest standards and conform to Associated Press style, whenever possible;
are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and achievements of the DEA; and,
contain information which is accurate, consistent with law and DEA policy, and is properly classified.
It is the responsibility of the originator to ensure that the document conveys accurate, timely, and appropriate information, such as: facts and statistics for the time frame cited; the status of programs and projects; and the status of legal proceedings, legislation and law.
Submission of Publications by DEA Personnel:
The originating office (“originator”) must submit a publication to the Office of Congressional & Public Affairs, Electronic & Internal Communications Section (CPE), PRB Coordinator in order to obtain PRB approval to publish. Each publication within the scope of this policy must receive PRB approval before dissemination outside of DEA, or posting to a DEA website.
The following requirements apply to submissions of official DEA publications and joint publication projects to the PRB.
The publication must be pre-approved by the appropriate Headquarters (SES- level) Office Head, the Field Division Special Agent in Charge (SAC), or the Regional Director for foreign office-originated publications. This approval must be reflected in the originalsubmission package.
The publication must be submitted to the PRB Coordinator electronically, in final draft form and in accordance with Associated Press style. The package should be complete (all pages and attachments included), and must be clearly designated by the author as either an “official DEA publication” or a “joint publication project.”
Indicate a required due date, if appropriate; and describe the intended audience.
The publication may not contain any non-disclosable information.
The PRB Coordinator has the general responsibility of managing the PRB approval process for official DEA publications and joint publication projects, including:
a. Receiving the submitted publication.
b. Ensuring that the submission package meets all the requirements set forth in paragraph 1215(E)(1).
c. Returning the package to the originator for necessary editorial corrections or additions to the package.
d. If no editorial corrections or additions need to be made by the originator, distributing a copy of the complete publication package to each PRB member, with a cover page attached. The cover page should: identify the originating office; indicate the originating office head’s approval; describe the intended audience; provide a date PRB members’ comments are due to the PRB Coordinator; and have space for each PRB member to indicate approval, disapproval, or conditional approval, and comment.
e. Ensure that the approval process is completed in order to meet required deadlines; track the submission package throughout the approval process via the PRB electronic tracking system; and maintain electronic copies of all drafts and submitted publications and comments in the PRB tracking system for three years.
If one or more PRB members disapprove or conditionally approve (approval predicated on the acceptance of PRB edits) the publication, the PRB Coordinator will provide the originator of the publication with all PRB members’ comments for consideration and incorporation into the final product.
The originator will incorporate all appropriate comments resulting from this preliminary review into the final draft of the publication. Required or recommended PRB members’ comments not incorporated must be reconciled by the originator with the PRB Coordinator. The originator will provide a revised draft, clearly indicating the changes made to the original text (using redline edits if possible), to the PRB Coordinator for re-routing to the PRB.
The PRB Coordinator will provide to all PRB members a copy of the revised publication, which clearly indicates the changes made to the original text, for review and approval. This process will be repeated until all PRB members approve the publication or until any disputes are resolved by the PRB Coordinator.
The originator is responsible for the transmittal of the publication, as approved, to the publisher.
Each PRB member has the responsibility to review all documents, attachments, and cites contained within the submission package. Throughout the review process, PRB members should be mindful of the document’s intended audience, consistency with other approved documents/policies and consistency with applicable laws and regulations. After review, the PRB member will either:
Approve and indicate such approval via e-mail to the PRB Coordinator;
Conditionally approve predicated on the acceptance of provided edits; or,
Disapprove and indicate disapproval by return e-mail to the PRB Coordinator, along with an explanation for the disapproval.
PRB members may also submit recommendations and suggested edits that are not mandatory for approval but which may improve the quality of the publication.
F. Procedures for Non-Official Material
Current and former DEA personnel will submit non-official material requests directly to the Office of Congressional Affairs, PRB, c/o Publications Review Board, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, VA 22152. Inquires may be directed to the PRB at (202) 307-7363.
DEA will limit the distribution of non-official materials to those persons who will participate in the pre-publication review process because the non-official material may be covered by U.S. copyright laws.
Except as set forth below, the same general process in Section E will be followed for the review and approval of non-official publications. However, the PRB review will be solely for the purpose of identifying non-disclosable information that must be removed from the non-official material before it may be disseminated to the public. The sole ground for disapproval of a non-official publication or any portion thereof is the inclusion of non- disclosable information. Approval may not be withheld for matters of factual accuracy, style, or opinion.
When circulating a covered publication to PRB members, the PRB Coordinator will clearly mark it as “NON-OFFICIAL MATERIAL,” and note the sole purpose of the PRB review is to identify non-disclosable information.
Upon reviewing a non-official publication, PRB members will approve it if it does not contain any non-disclosable information, and indicate such approval via e-mail to the PRB Coordinator.
If upon review a PRB member identifies any information he or she believes is non- disclosable, the PRB Member will notify the PRB Coordinator, specifically identifying the non-disclosable information, and articulating the specific grounds for non-disclosure.
The PRB Coordinator will work with the submitting party to arrange for the removal of the non-disclosable information. If the matter cannot be resolved between the PRB Coordinator and the submitting party, the PRB Coordinator will refer the matter to the PRB Chair for a decision.
If the submitting party objects to CP’s decision, the issue will be referred to AD for a final decision.
G. Policies and Procedures for Non-Official Classified Information Including SCI
The following additional policies and procedures apply to pre-publication reviews of non- official materials intended for public dissemination that might reasonably contain or be derived from classified information, including SCI.
1. DEA personnel must submit non-official materials for a pre-publication review prior to public dissemination or sharing with anyone that is not authorized access to classified information (e.g., peer reviewers, editors, agents, co-authors, third-parties, etc.).
a. Current or former DEA personnel, with classified information access, must submit pre-publication review requests of non-official material that might reasonably contain or be derived from SCI material or other classified information directly to the Office of Congressional Affairs, PRB, (202) 307-7363.
Pre-publication review requests must include the final or near final draft, and comprehensive sourcing.
If the PRB determines the non-official material reasonably contains SCI or classified information, then the PRB will determine which office(s) are in the best position to make the determination whether there is SCI or classified information in the material that should not be disclosed to the public.
a. The PRB may consult or coordinate with any person who can assist in determining how to proceed with the prepublication review process. This may include seeking assistance to assess the content. In such instances, the content will be forwarded to the office(s) that has subject matter expertise concerning the proposed disclosure(s).
The PRB member in the division that has subject matter expertise concerning the proposed disclosures referenced in paragraph 3 above, will be responsible for the initial pre- publication review of the materials that might reasonably contain or be derived from SCI or other classified information.
Subject to paragraph 6(a) below, the PRB review is for the purpose of identifying SCI or classified information that must be removed from the non-official material before it may be disseminated to the public. The sole ground for disapproval of a non-official publication or any portion thereof is the inclusion of SCI or classified information. Approval may not be withheld for matters of factual accuracy, style, or opinion.
DEA’s IC Element Head, Chief of Intelligence, in consultation with the PRB member identified in paragraph 4 above, will make the final decisions on such pre-publication
reviews on behalf of DEA and will designate a specific DEA employee assigned to NC to coordinate any such pre-publication review and perform such duties as necessary, and assign any additional NC personnel as required for each pre-publication review. In addition, CC will designate a CC attorney with access to SCI information to provide legal guidance and support to NC during the pre-publication review process.
a. In the event NC determines that in addition to SCI or classified information, the material may contain information that is not classified but otherwise may be prohibited from public dissemination (see Section A.6.), NC will coordinate as required with the PRB for review of those portions of the material that do not contain classified information.
This policy does not affect the responsibilities or obligations of individuals under law, regulation, or contract, including U.S. Government or DEA non-disclosure agreements (NDA) regarding access to SCI, nor does it alter the terms of such NDAs or any regulations issued in connection therewith. For any perceived inconsistencies between such NDAs and this policy, the NDA shall have primacy.
Failure to comply with NDAs regarding access to classified information may result in the imposition of administrative, civil, or criminal penalties and damages against the individual. For current DEA employees this may include, but is not limited to, suspension or termination of security clearances and accesses, and/or U.S. Government employment.
DEA will adhere to the following principles when conducting pre-publication reviews of materials that might reasonably contain or be derived from classified information:
Pre-publication reviews shall be timely, reasoned, fair, and impartial; and,
The public dissemination of non-official material will be limited only if necessary to safeguard information requiring protection in the interest of national security or as required by law.
Classified information appearing in the public shall not be considered unclassified or automatically approved for public dissemination in accordance with Executive Order 13526.
The approval of a pre-publication review request by DEA does not imply endorsement or authentication of the material. DEA will require that the published non-official material contain a disclaimer stating that the opinions and views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not authenticate content or reflect the opinions and views of DEA or the U.S. Government.
IntheeventaDEAemployeedeterminesthatpubliclydisseminatedmaterialcontains classified information that was not submitted for pre-publication review and approved for release, then consistent with 32 C.F.R. § 2001.48, the unauthorized disclosure will be reported to the Office of Security Programs (IS). IS will ensure that the unauthorized disclosure will in turn be reported promptly to the originator of the classified information, and the process in ICD 701, Unauthorized Disclosures; and ICD 732, Damage Assessments will be followed.
DEA will strive to complete the pre-publication review within 30 business days of its receipt.
Relatively short, time-sensitive requests (e.g., letters to the editor, oral statements, etc.) shall be handled as expeditiously as practicable.
If the review process exceeds 30 business days, NC shall notify the submitting person, and provide a status update.
NCwillcoordinatethepre-publicationreview,andwillensurethataccesstothematerial is limited to persons with the requisite authorization for SCI access who are needed for the pre-publication review, and that proper procedures for access, storage, and dissemination of classified information are followed.
To protect the equities of all IC elements, NC shall identify, refer, and coordinate the pre- publication review with IC element stakeholders. If there is any doubt regarding which IC elements may have equities, NC shall refer the request to all potential IC elements for review.
IfNCidentifiesclassifiedinformationduringthereview,NCshallcontactthesubmitting individual to prevent unauthorized disclosure, and address containment, if necessary. Good-faith submissions shall not be considered a breach of the pre-publication requirements of this policy.
NCmustrequestacomprehensivewrittenresponsefromeachICelementthathas received the material clearly indicating the following: which portions of the final draft are approved for public dissemination; which portions are not approved for public dissemination; and documentation of the reason(s) for approval, modification, and denial.
The Chief of Intelligence will not make a final determination on public dissemination until a response is received from all IC element stakeholders.
In the event of disputes among IC element stakeholders, the IC element with OCA over the equity in question must make the final determination on public dissemination for its information. When there is not an identified OCA, the Chief of Intelligence will resolve disputes among IC element stakeholders.
The Chief of Intelligence shall provide a single consolidated, and comprehensive written response to the individual clearly indicating which portions of the pre-publication review request are approved for public dissemination, require modifications prior to public dissemination, or are not approved for public dissemination. The written response will include a statement that any denial in whole or part may be appealed to DEA no later than 60 calendar days from the date of the denial, and instructions on how to submit any such appeal.
All substantive content changes to a previously reviewed pre-publication review request that was approved for public dissemination shall be submitted for additional review. Non- substantive changes need not be re-submitted.
H. ProcedurestoProcessAppeals
1. The following procedures will be followed for any denial issued by the Chief of
NC will review any appeal of a denial received from the submitting individual. The individual will submit their appeal no later than 60 calendar days from the date of the denial.
Any written denial will include instructions to the submitting individual on the required contents of an appeal, to include:
specific identification of the portion(s) of the material for which the submitting individual desires an additional review;
results of the prior review;
additional sourcing; and,
any other materials that support the submitting individual’s assertion that this information is not SCI or otherwise classified.
NC will coordinate the additional review in accordance with the above procedures. The additional review process will be completed as expeditiously as possible, with the goal of providing a final determination to the submitting individual within 30 business days.
Upon completion of the additional review, the Chief of Intelligence will submit the matter to AD, with a recommendation for each portion of the material that was appealed. AD will then make a final decision for each portion under appeal, except as set forth below.
i. For disagreements among U.S. Government departments or agencies, the department or agency with OCA will make the final decision.
NC will notify the submitting individual in writing as to the final decision of each portion of the material under appeal. A copy of the final decision will also be provided to the PRB Chair.
The final decision on public dissemination made during the appeal process shall close the appeal, and another appeal may not be requested.