MethamphetamineWhat is Methamphetamine?
Stimulant that speeds up body’s system that comes as pill or powder. Available in prescription as Desoxyn® to treat obesity and ADHD. Crystal meth resembles glass fragments and is an illegally altered version of the prescription drug that is cooked with over-the-counter drugs in meth labs.
Street Title
Batu, Bikers Coffee, Black Beauties, Chalk, Chicken Feed, Crank, Crystal, Glass, Go-Fast, Hiropon, Ice, Meth, Methlies Quick, Poor Man's Cocaine, Shabu, Shards, Speed, Stove Top, Tina, Trash, Tweak, Uppers, Ventana, Vidrio, Yaba, Yellow Barn
How is it used?
Powder, pill, smoked, snorted, injected to intensify the effects, users may take higher doses of the drug, take it more frequently, or change their method of intake
How does it affect the body?
Highly addictive, Agitation, increased heart rate and blood pressure, increased respiration and body temperature, Anxiety, paranoia, High doses can cause convulsions, cardiovascular collapse, stroke or death
What are its overdose effects?
High doses may result in death from stroke, heart attack, or multiple organ problems caused by overheating.