Clandestine Laboratory Cleanup Program
DEA’s Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup Program focuses on the removal and disposal of hazardous chemicals, contaminated apparatus and equipment seized from clandestine drug laboratories. The program provides technical support, training, and waste removal services for the DEA’s field offices and for state and local law enforcement. DEA administers the program and ensures that all aspects of the program are in compliance with all Federal, state and local regulations.
Authorized Central Storage (ACS) Program
The ACS Program assists state and local law enforcement with cleanups of methamphetamine clandestine drug laboratories. The program focuses on small cleanups under the 220-pound hazardous waste threshold for Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) status as defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). DEA administers and oversees the implementation and management of the ACS Program in states that have joined the program. All participating states are provided with the initial startup supplies and equipment, and continuing support and training from DEA.