13th Drug Take-Back Announced By DEA
Event Will Take Place Throughout Arizona from 10 am-2 pm on Saturday, April 29th

PHOENIX - DEA announced the 13th National Prescription Drug Take-Back will take place April 29th from 10 am-2 pm local time. As with the previous Take-Back events, sites will be set up throughout communities nationwide so local residents can anonymously return their unwanted, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs for safe disposal. (DEA cannot accept liquids, needles or sharps.)
Arizona’s collection sites are listed at www.dea.gov, with new locations added regularly. Currently, over 45 state, local, and tribal police departments are providing 68 collection points state-wide. Nationally, over 5,000 sites across the country will be collecting unused medications.
“Unlike the traditional drug supply which is controlled by the cartels, every Arizonan has a significant impact on the supply of excess prescription drugs diverted to the illicit drug market,” said DEA Phoenix Special Agent in Charge Doug Coleman. “DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back event gives everyone the opportunity to prevent the onset of drug abuse by eliminating the availability of these drugs, starting from within their own homes.”
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are at alarming rates, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Many abused prescription drugs are obtained through family and friends, as well as from the home medicine cabinet. Some do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away - both potential safety and health hazards.
In the previous 12 Take-Back events nationwide from 2010-2016, over 7.1 million pounds, or 3,500 tons of drugs were collected. In Arizona alone, over 111,567 pounds, or over 55 tons have been collected.