Nebraska Commercial Interdiction Unit receives regional award

OMAHA, Neb. –The Nebraska Commercial Interdiction Unit, made up of Omaha Division United States Drug Enforcement Administration agents, Nebraska State Patrol investigators, Douglas County Sheriff deputies, a Pottawattamie County Sheriff deputy and a Nebraska National Guard Counter Drug staff sergeant, was presented the Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Outstanding Interdiction Effort Award by HIDTA Executive Director Jeffrey Stamm in the DEA Omaha Division office today. Together, nine individuals conducted 100 search warrants and arrested 108 people, including 78 repeat offenders, in 134 cases between Oct. 1, 2017, and Sept. 30, 2018.
“It’s an honor to be a part of a partnership that has accomplished such great things,” Acting Special Agent in Charge Darin Thimmesch said. “The Nebraska Commercial Interdiction Unit is a prime example of how law enforcement agencies from the federal, state and local level can work together to make a positive impact in the community.”
In one year, the Nebraska CIU confiscated an estimated $8.6 million in illicit drugs, including 26.7 kilograms of fentanyl, 20.6 kilograms of heroin, 280.6 kilograms of marijuana, 32.7 kilograms of methamphetamine, 4.8 kilograms of cocaine and 31.6 kilograms of THC products. In addition, they seized $80,620 and nine weapons.
The Nebraska CIU was formed in 1993 to combat the transportation of drugs through commercial means, including airports, package services, trains and buses. The Nebraska unit has trained other CIU’s across the nation on the indicators, trends and techniques they have seen and experienced during their work at the commercial transportation and package facilities. Their work has aided efforts in forwarding certain cases for delivery of the drugs in states where they were destined and gaining prosecution for all parties involved in the operation.