DEA 360 Maine in Partnership with CADCA Host Free On-Demand Training Modules
PORTLAND, ME – The New England Field Division’s (NEFD) DEA 360 Maine program in partnership with Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), DEA 360 Strategy released the FREE On-Demand Training in its efforts to educate youth in healthy lifestyles and drug free life.
The modules can be seen separately, on your own time, any time and some come with worksheets/handouts that can be shown in class or virtually. It contains short sessions on wellness, mindfulness and mental health by local Drug Free Coalition leaders and Maine Department of Education Social Emotional Learning. It also houses a music video, TRY, by Elecktrohorse produced in partnership with Elks Drug Abuse Program and US Drug Enforcement Administration.
This On-Demand Training also features the recording with NASA Astronaut Captain Christopher Cassidy from York, ME, where he talks to Maine youth about the importance of being supportive and nice to your peers and others in your life, and about working hard and staying on course. He answers their questions about his life on the space station and what it takes to being an astronaut.
We hope that you will be able to use all or some of the modules in your class, group or organization.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact DEA Community Outreach Specialist, Eriko Farnsworth at (207) 749-6874 or