Omaha Division Reaches Rural Community at State Fair and Farm Shows

Members of the DEA Omaha Division attended Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Members of the DEA Omaha Division participated in the largest outdoor farm event in Boone, Iowa.

DEA worked a law enforcement booth at the Minnesota State Fair.
OMAHA, Neb. – Agents and investigators with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Omaha Division engaged with members of rural communities while attending the Farm Progress Show, Husker Harvest Days and Minnesota State Fair in August and September.
“The latest trends we’re seeing in the Midwest show all too well that drugs such as methamphetamine and fentanyl have made their way into some of our more rural and remote communities,” DEA Omaha Division Special Agent in Charge Justin C. King said. “It’s important for us to engage with this group of Americans and make them aware of the dangers that come from these drugs and the potential impact on their communities.”
Held in Boone, Iowa, the Farm Progress Show is the nation’s largest outdoor farm event and hosts attendees from 46 states and around the world. Husker Harvest Days, held in Grand Island, Nebraska, boasts more than 100,000 visitors each year and is recognized as the nation’s largest totally irrigated working farm show. The Minnesota State Fair, referred to as the “Great Minnesota Get-Together,” is the second largest fair in the United States and runs for 12 days.
During all three events, members of DEA handed out information on the dangers of fentanyl and spoke with individuals about the latest national and Midwestern drug trends. In addition, Omaha’s Division recruiter was on site to answer questions about career paths within DEA. The DEA booth was well attended by visitor’s at all three events with a steady flow of people stopping to ask questions and offer encouraging words.