One Conversation Spins into Multiple Presentations for Omaha Community Outreach Specialist

In 2024, the DEA Omaha Division has reached nearly 600,000 people with messages such as One Pill Can Kill during community outreach events.
OMAHA, Neb –Community Outreach Specialist Amanda Frazier sat down with the staff of her Omaha church simply to explain what she does with the Drug Enforcement Administration. Her 20-minute conversation has since opened doors for multiple community outreach opportunities including a series of speaking engagements with Omaha Public Power District (OPPD), who employs nearly 2,000 people throughout Omaha, Papillion and Elkhorn.
The first of three presentations to OPPD employees was held April 17, during time set aside for a monthly safety brief. Frazier used her 45 minutes to discuss national and Nebraska drug trends, overdose and poisoning numbers and drugs made to appeal to children. Following the presentation, employees were ready with questions, curious as to why Cartels would add fentanyl to other drugs and what to look for on their children’s phones and in their rooms.
Since the initial presentation in April, Frazier has been invited to OPPD offices in Papillion and Elkhorn, most recently speaking to a group on August 21.
“Since becoming the Omaha Division Community Outreach Specialist in 2023, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with and educate a wide range of audiences,” Frazier said. “From kids in classrooms, to Tribal Elders at PowWows to the men and women working to keep power running in our homes and businesses, I look at each presentation as an opportunity to bring home the message that drug use comes with consequences. If I can encourage one person to take what they learned and share that information with a loved one, I consider that a success.”
In 2024, Frazier and members of the five state DEA Omaha Division have reached nearly 600,000 people with messages such as One Pill Can Kill. For more information on DEA Omaha Division Community Outreach opportunities, contact Frazier at and follow the Division on X (@DEAOmahaDiv) and Instagram (deaomaha).