If you have any questions about preparing or submitting a FOIA or Privacy Act request, please call our Requester Service Center at (571) 776-2300 or via e-mail at DEA.FOIA@dea.gov. You may also contact us by mail. Our address is:
Drug Enforcement Administration
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Unit
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, Virginia 22152
FOIA Public Liaison
Should you have questions after receiving an initial response from DEA’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Unit, or concerns regarding the quality of the assistance provided to you, please contact FOIA Public Liaison Deshelia Wallace at (571) 776-2300. Please note, concerns should be limited to issues regarding the processing of your request. If you were denied access to agency records, refused expedited treatment, or otherwise provided with an adverse determination, please follow the guidelines outlined in the Department of Justice’s FOIA regulations for filing an administrative appeal.