Oklahoma based Non-Profit Organization “Light of Hope” receives national award
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – DEA Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Eduardo A. Chavez of the Dallas Field Division announced that the Claremore, Oklahoma-based non-profit organization “Light of Hope” (LOH) has been named one of two 2020 DEA National Community Drug Prevention Award winners. In addition to the national recognition, LOH received a plaque and a check for $2,000.00 from the DEA.
Each year the DEA sponsors its Community Drug Prevention Awards as part of the Red Ribbon campaign. These awards highlight the importance of grassroots efforts to keep our nation’s communities safe and drug free, to recognize the volunteer activities of DEA employees, and to enhance DEA’s prevention-related programs. These programs are an essential part of DEA’s overall strategy to combat drug trafficking and keep our communities safer.
LOH is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, that provides assistance to individuals and families faced with the struggles of drug addiction and education to children through its school drug prevention program. LOH offers weekly encouragement support groups, resource assistance, school and community education, workplace readiness, monthly speaking panels, a food pantry, and more. These services are entirely free to the community.
LOH depends greatly upon its relationship with community partners. It is with the support of LOH’s strong community partners and donors that make it possible. LOH has a unique and valued partnership with the Rogers County District Attorney’s office. Together, they have created programming, community service opportunities, employment initiatives, and tools needed to rebuild the lives of those who have faced extreme difficulties due to past mistakes and life choices. LOH is a signature validated program for those who have been court appointed to LOH and has been the lifeline for those who the DA’s office has entrusted in LOH’s care.
LOH’s exclusive partnership with the DEA is unique in the State of Oklahoma. “Together, we provide current, powerful, and effective drug education to our Oklahoma schools, free of charge. Utilizing the DEA’s ‘Discovery Education’ curriculum, LOH educators teach detailed drug education and bring awareness back into schools. Each school district can personalize the LOH/DEA school drug prevention program to fit their individual school needs,” advised SAC Chavez.
DEA HQ sent a Demand Reduction Team member to Tulsa to provide LOH’s staff with advanced training on how to deliver DEA’s Operation Prevention curriculum. Additionally, the DEA and LOH Founder Layla Freeman have collaborated to provide powerful assemblies, panel discussion groups, and parent awareness meetings to schools and to the Oklahoma community. “LOH treasures the DEA’s unwavering partnership and know that together, we are helping people see the ‘Light of Hope’ through education, encouragement, and support,” says Ms. Freeman.