Flyer for Town Hall Meeting with DEA and KCKPD
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Junio 28, 2022 06:00 pm - Junio 28, 2022 08:00 pm
Flyer for Town Hall Meeting with DEA and KCKPD
7250 State Ave
Kansas City, KS 66112
Estados Unidos
Join DEA and the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department on June 28 to learn how counterfeit pills and fentanyl are threatening our community. In addition to DEA and KCKPD explaining how this dangerous drug is infiltrating the region, you will hear from Libby Davis, who lost her 16 year old son to a fake pill with fentanyl, the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department who responds to overdose events, and First Call, a prevention and treatment resource for the KC metro region.
Flyer for Town Hall Meeting with DEA and KCKPD