Seconal - 100mg
Nembutal - 100mg
Fiorinal with codeine - 30mg
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Depressant drug used to help sleep, relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, and prevent seizures.
Prescribed names: Fiorina®, Pentothal®, Seconal®, or Nembutal®.
Barbs, Block Busters, Christmas Trees, Goof Balls, Pinks, Red Devils, Reds & Blues, Yellow Jackets
Swallowing a pill or injecting a liquid form. Barbiturates are generally abused to reduce anxiety, decrease inhibitions, and treat unwanted effects of illicit drugs.
Barbiturates slow down the central nervous system and cause sleepiness. Mild euphoria, lack of restraint, relief of anxiety. Impairment of memory, judgment, and coordination. Irritability, paranoia and suicidal ideation.
Central nervous system depression, decreased respiration, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, decreased urine production, decreased body temperature, coma, and possible death.
Seconal - 100mg
Nembutal - 100mg
Fiorinal with codeine - 30mg